By lostcarpark_admin, 6 May, 2024

DrupalCon Portland starts today, so it seems a good time to start thinking about the 2024 Advent Calendar!

Advent Calendar? In May?

If there’s one thing I learned last year, it’s start early! We had a few hairy moments last year, and a couple of later nights than I would have liked, so this year I want to get the ball moving early.

Why a Drupal Advent Calendar?

For fun, mostly!

But also to promote the great Drupal projects and the people working on them.

By james, 1 January, 2024

This December was the second incarnation of the Drupal Advent Calendar project.

This started on a whim in 2022, and while fun, I knew I didn’t want to write it all myself the second year.

So at DrupalCon Lille, I started asking people to get involved in this year’s calendar, initially focusing on people I know. The response was generally positive, with most people eager to take part.

My aim was to have a different person talk about an aspect of Drupal behind each door, and that was more or less how it worked out.

By james, 24 December, 2023

Today is the last day of our Advent Calendar, and what a trip it’s been. For our final door, we have a real treat, as Baddý Sonja Breidert (baddysonja) joins us to tell us all about the Drupal presence at this year’s Web Summit, including the video of her keynote speech, available for the first time.